RyshardAntonio: Just waitin' for the sun to go down.
RyshardAntonio: Just hangin' out!
RyshardAntonio: I caught a kangaroo!
RyshardAntonio: The Watcher
RyshardAntonio: The Watcher: Barking Owl / Ninox Connivens
RyshardAntonio: Don't be shy..
RyshardAntonio: Framed and Caged.
RyshardAntonio: Michi Moo, Myself, 3 Koalas!
RyshardAntonio: The Tasmanian Devil.
RyshardAntonio: Zoom Zoom!
RyshardAntonio: The encounter.
RyshardAntonio: Above the rest.
RyshardAntonio: Center of Attention
RyshardAntonio: On the Red Eye
RyshardAntonio: At the western security location