RyshardAntonio: DSCN0139_2
RyshardAntonio: I dare you, stop your eyes from trying to focus.
RyshardAntonio: Throwback village
RyshardAntonio: Modern Ancient
RyshardAntonio: Fremantle Town Hall (B&W +focus)
RyshardAntonio: Destroy and rebuild.
RyshardAntonio: Bee-N-W.
RyshardAntonio: Yours Truly.
RyshardAntonio: Flickering Light.
RyshardAntonio: Black & White Droplets.
RyshardAntonio: Setting the table
RyshardAntonio: Michi Moo
RyshardAntonio: In Transit.
RyshardAntonio: Pristine.
RyshardAntonio: *Sigh* What a day...