an EyE for perspective:
an EyE for perspective:
an EyE for perspective:
Chihuly: A New Eden
an EyE for perspective:
an EyE for perspective:
Neither fir nor win, birth nor death can erase our good deeds.
an EyE for perspective:
Dew on Grass
an EyE for perspective:
an EyE for perspective:
No individual raindrop ever considers itself responsible for the flood.
an EyE for perspective:
So much potential
an EyE for perspective:
sit, stay, relax
an EyE for perspective:
Early Sunday morning
an EyE for perspective:
snowflake face
an EyE for perspective:
shout out and feel the love!
an EyE for perspective:
an EyE for perspective:
say cheese
an EyE for perspective:
Looking Through Another World
an EyE for perspective:
an EyE for perspective:
Quiet~ Baby Sleeping~52/yr 2 week 22
an EyE for perspective:
good training
an EyE for perspective:
an EyE for perspective:
~then end~the start
an EyE for perspective:
bigger break water
an EyE for perspective:
fb lady bug puddle walking
an EyE for perspective:
an EyE for perspective:
the wind
an EyE for perspective:
summer play
an EyE for perspective:
snoopy twirl
an EyE for perspective:
an EyE for perspective: