fiftystatesmarathon: Before the marathon
fiftystatesmarathon: Steve and Sock before the marathon
fiftystatesmarathon: Steve before the marathon
fiftystatesmarathon: Starting line
fiftystatesmarathon: Starting line
fiftystatesmarathon: Peter Bennett and Steve before the race
fiftystatesmarathon: Peter Bennett, Yen Nguyen and Steve before the race
fiftystatesmarathon: Peter Bennett, Yen Nguyen and Steve before the race
fiftystatesmarathon: Steve starts the marathon
fiftystatesmarathon: Sock Monkey cheers for the runners
fiftystatesmarathon: Mary Brymer heads to the finish
fiftystatesmarathon: Gary Van Kuiken
fiftystatesmarathon: Suzy Seeley
fiftystatesmarathon: Ken Johnson
fiftystatesmarathon: John Pontikas
fiftystatesmarathon: Parvaneh Moayedi
fiftystatesmarathon: Steve Holehan
fiftystatesmarathon: Bill Moeller finishing the race
fiftystatesmarathon: Steve running the marathon
fiftystatesmarathon: Peter Bennett with his finisher shirt
fiftystatesmarathon: Bill Moeller, Parvaneh Moayedi and Steve Holehan
fiftystatesmarathon: Sock and Kevin Brosi after the marathon
fiftystatesmarathon: Yen Nguyen and Steve Holehan after the marathon
fiftystatesmarathon: Bridget and Bill Moeller and Sock after the marathon