fiftystatesmarathon: Steve and Tim Chesko
fiftystatesmarathon: Andy Velazco, Gene Bruckert and Kendel Prescott
fiftystatesmarathon: Gene Bruckert and Paula finishing
fiftystatesmarathon: Mark Swanson and Craig Swanson after the race
fiftystatesmarathon: Kathy Velazco, Paula, Andy Velazco and Kendel Prescott
fiftystatesmarathon: Steve, Gina Little, Roger Biggs and Jack Brooks after the race
fiftystatesmarathon: Roger Biggs
fiftystatesmarathon: Gina Little, ?, Jack Brooks, and Roger Biggs
fiftystatesmarathon: Kendel Prescott, Frank Bartocci and Paula
fiftystatesmarathon: Roger Biggs and Jack Brooks
fiftystatesmarathon: Steve and Roger Biggs