sooline502a: C&NW 1385 Mc Farland
sooline502a: C&NW 1385 Bryn Mawr
sooline502a: C&NW 1385 Stoughton
sooline502a: Heading for Clinton
sooline502a: 1385 heading souith
sooline502a: C&NW 1385 at MC FARLAND
sooline502a: 1385 picks ups orders at La Rue
sooline502a: 1385 on the WSOR
sooline502a: Night time at the depo
sooline502a: 150th Anniversary of Chicago
sooline502a: C&NW 1385 JANESVILLE
sooline502a: Prosperity Special
sooline502a: C&NW 1385 CLYBOURN
sooline502a: C&NW 1385 HARTLAND