AndyM.: Brewery Window 2
konafoto: otherside
konafoto: you, me, the sun, the moon and the stars
konafoto: cuts and bruises
konafoto: show me the world as I'd love to see it
konafoto: birds scattering, bleeding out
konafoto: cold hands, cold heart
konafoto: no exit here
AndyM.: Brewery Window
AndyM.: Liberty Bridge
— Loomax: Sunday with Mathilde #2
— Loomax: Sunday with Mathilde #3
Rob Chiu 趙文偉: Ninety Something
Rob Chiu 趙文偉: Basement Shave
AndyM.: Roller Coaster
konafoto: don't want to stop
konafoto: don't blow your mind with why
Rob Chiu 趙文偉: Vacancy Within
Rob Chiu 趙文偉: The Baltic Sea
Rob Chiu 趙文偉: A Different State Of Mind
konafoto: you think this hurts now
konafoto: in the end
konafoto: lying your thoughts out over the sky
konafoto: slowly we unfurl
konafoto: beauty will destroy your mind
konafoto: sitting ducks
konafoto: everybody wants to be a
ponchak: tomato+fuji