Darren Gallop:
Country Lion L70CLN on schools in Deanshanger
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion E7CLN on the 11 to Parklands
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion P5CLN
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion School Buses
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion School Buses
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion School Buses
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion L10NNK on the Drapery Northampton
Darren Gallop:
Country Lions at School
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion W1CLN in Deanshanger
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion A8CLN in Northampton
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion L10NKK
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion CN04HOL on route 11 to Parklands
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion Solo CN03HOL
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion Solo CN04HOL
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion Northampton
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion JB55AJB North Gate Bus Station
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion CN04HOL Northampton
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion JB55ALB Northampton 19.01.2015
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion CN03HOL working route 6 along the Drapery, Northampton. 16.03.2015
Darren Gallop:
Country Lion M11JMJ on route 108 to Brackmills, Northampton 15.10.2015
Darren Gallop:
New Country Lion YX65RNF at Northgate Bus Staion, Northampton. 05.11.2015