John Tann: Green striped fly - top view
John Tann: Green striped fly - side view
John Tann: Green striped fly - rump view
John Tann: Green striped fly - front view
John Tann: Green striped fly with a fat abdomen
John Tann: Green striped fly with a thin abdomen
John Tann: Mushrooms with fruit flies
John Tann: Heads down, bums up
John Tann: Fruit fly on fungus
John Tann: Telostylinus lineolatus
John Tann: fly on flower
John Tann: fly with metallic green and blue stripes and red-brown eyes
John Tann: Orange striped hover fly
John Tann: Orange striped hover fly on branch
John Tann: Grey and black striped fly with brown eyes
John Tann: Female Wandering Percher from above
John Tann: Wandering percher
John Tann: Wandering Percher
John Tann: beetle
John Tann: Longicorn beetle
John Tann: Longicorn beetle
John Tann: Tortoise beetle
John Tann: Tortoise beetle showing its feet
John Tann: Tortoise beetle
John Tann: Papuan grass-yellow butterfly
John Tann: Papuan grass-yellow butterfly
John Tann: Papuan grass-yellow butterfly
John Tann: Climena Crow butterfly
John Tann: Common Grass-blue butterfly
John Tann: Newly emerged Varied eggfly with cocoon