30 years later: "...how symmetrical and unique…" for Machel
30 years later: the best seat in Granny's garden
30 years later: for Monday
30 years later: CAKE ON FIRE! Happy Birthday, Mr. T. You are still the coolest!
30 years later: For Ingrid
30 years later: The milkweed is thriving!
30 years later: Happy MondYay June 22 from Granny's Garden
30 years later: wake up, wake up
30 years later: getting in on the Waterdropolis Society
30 years later: purple in Granny's Garden
30 years later: tiny Tea Tree flower gets its due
30 years later: be careful what you hold on to
30 years later: Cape Honeysuckle flying in formation
30 years later: Echeveria Blooming
30 years later: a rose for Princess K
30 years later: Celebrating American Independence July 4, 2009. The below is truly worth reading.
30 years later: for Saturday
30 years later: my yellow is a little pink today
30 years later: little flowers living large
30 years later: Cape Honeysuckle breaking formation
30 years later: Happy MondYay!
30 years later: what's really going on inside a geranium
30 years later: 2 allamanda
30 years later: soft and sweet and very, very stubborn
30 years later: for the Freedom-Fighters
30 years later: along the way, she stopped to shake off some sparkles
30 years later: for Sad Bokeh Friday, but I really can't tell if he's hanging his head or applauding himself!
30 years later: Oxalis like a butterfly