30 years later: "For you, maman ... "
30 years later: getting in on the Waterdropolis Society
30 years later: pinwheel
30 years later: Very Berry Beetle
30 years later: For Alida
30 years later: tiny Tea Tree flower gets its due
30 years later: Christmas Cactus Against The Sky
30 years later: mound of pinks
30 years later: gladiolus in my garden
30 years later: not a total flower shot ;~)
30 years later: little flowers living large
30 years later: for the Freedom-Fighters
30 years later: watching wonders
30 years later: Happy MondYay!
30 years later: artsy dragon on a cactus - Pedilanthus macrocarpus (Lady's Slipper), thank you Tiggrx.
30 years later: The milkweed is thriving!
30 years later: I have been Lantana-Happy lately
30 years later: Millie snuggles in
30 years later: Merry Christmas, Flickr friends
30 years later: Mexican Cherry -- a year later
30 years later: TWO HUNDRED!
30 years later: Celebrating American Independence July 4, 2009. The below is truly worth reading.
30 years later: so pick one already ...
30 years later: *|*|*| */
30 years later: Bye-Bye Spring ... "Million Bells"
30 years later: in July, it rained and rained and rained
30 years later: Lily Art
30 years later: hello Spring 2011