M. Sheahan: no everyone looks at the camera at the same time
M. Sheahan: all smiles at Valhalla Crossing
M. Sheahan: happy to see Grandma
M. Sheahan: Good times in Valhalla
M. Sheahan: lunch with Grandma and Pop
M. Sheahan: getting to see Grandma and Pop again
M. Sheahan: 20170414_135736
M. Sheahan: Emily and the youngest
M. Sheahan: Emily with the baby at Valhalla Crossing
M. Sheahan: waiting to order lunch
M. Sheahan: smiling for Grandma
M. Sheahan: hooray for Grandma
M. Sheahan: Can't have enough photos of the twins with Grandma after a long absence
M. Sheahan: teaching selfie techniques at an early age may have some social media benefits in 2032
M. Sheahan: never too early to teach children to watch their back
M. Sheahan: the discussion of current events continues
M. Sheahan: a lot of catching up to do with Grandma
M. Sheahan: good times at lunch
M. Sheahan: standing on the table is OK if you are under one
M. Sheahan: standing up
M. Sheahan: a champion and lioness in youth
M. Sheahan: sitting with Grandma
M. Sheahan: having a conference
M. Sheahan: ready for lunch
M. Sheahan: train crossing at Valhalla Crossing
M. Sheahan: communicating with a happy baby
M. Sheahan: Looking forward to lunch with Grandma