M. Sheahan: a proud Granddad
M. Sheahan: Granddad with C
M. Sheahan: meeting Granddad
M. Sheahan: two awesome girls
M. Sheahan: tummy time is not as abusive as it looks
M. Sheahan: the older sister meets Granddad
M. Sheahan: Granddad visits
M. Sheahan: This giant hand has pacified many children
M. Sheahan: Granddad brings the calm
M. Sheahan: older sister with Granddad
M. Sheahan: sleepy close up
M. Sheahan: taking pictures of sleeping girls is creepy, even when they are babies
M. Sheahan: napping next to Mommy
M. Sheahan: double trouble
M. Sheahan: some babies demand justice
M. Sheahan: older sister with Mommy
M. Sheahan: one smiling baby and one skeptical baby
M. Sheahan: these girls are ready to take over the world
M. Sheahan: Sisters are enjoying the play mat
M. Sheahan: awesomeness in baby form
M. Sheahan: meeting cousins
M. Sheahan: uncle Benjamin meets the girls
M. Sheahan: Beatrice and Sonya with baby
M. Sheahan: Benjamin meets a baby while Cyrus bounces
M. Sheahan: Benjamin with baby
M. Sheahan: Beatrice holds a baby
M. Sheahan: Jim and Benjamin
M. Sheahan: Beatrice exudes calm