M. Sheahan: Grand Victory in Brooklyn, N.Y.
M. Sheahan: the secret show is no longer a secret
M. Sheahan: awesome people outside Grand Victory
M. Sheahan: The Beast is wearing his jazz sweater
M. Sheahan: Marc and Beast
M. Sheahan: Moose and Seth
M. Sheahan: a night where jazz clothing is in fashion
M. Sheahan: Matt and Pookie
M. Sheahan: Geraud - beware, he is French
M. Sheahan: Marc and Pookie
M. Sheahan: Marc and Pookie, maybe not the most responsible with a camera
M. Sheahan: Marc, Pookie, Xtene
M. Sheahan: more camera fun
M. Sheahan: someone uses the camera for dentistry
M. Sheahan: Moose at Grand Victory
M. Sheahan: eye of Pookie
M. Sheahan: Xtene at the bar
M. Sheahan: show is under way
M. Sheahan: Blackout Shoppers open the show
M. Sheahan: Blackout Shoppers at Grand Victory, opening for DOA
M. Sheahan: Matt and Beast of Blackout Shoppers
M. Sheahan: Beast on drums for Blackout Shoppers
M. Sheahan: Blackout Shoppers rhythm section
M. Sheahan: Seth sings to once audience member at a time
M. Sheahan: Blackout Shoppers play Grand Victory
M. Sheahan: Seth brings the vocals to the people
M. Sheahan: Blackout Shoppers open the secret DOA show
M. Sheahan: Mike Moosehead with Blackout Shoppers at Grand Victory
M. Sheahan: Blackout Matt and The Beast with Blackout Shoppers at Grand Victory
M. Sheahan: Seth with Blackout Shoppers at Grand Victory