M. Sheahan: Filthy Phill with a generator
M. Sheahan: setting up stage 1
M. Sheahan: Joey Steel is the hardest working man in punk rock.
M. Sheahan: Lyz and Joey
M. Sheahan: abandoned buildings near the ferry
M. Sheahan: Joey Steel + the police = terrific
M. Sheahan: food trucks ready to go
M. Sheahan: the FDNY shut down the Crepe stand
M. Sheahan: Main stage under construction
M. Sheahan: Lyz's stage
M. Sheahan: Pixie and Steve of Tied for Last
M. Sheahan: Shawn and friend
M. Sheahan: Coast Guard monument on Staten Island
M. Sheahan: view of the Verrazno
M. Sheahan: Staten Island Ferry docked on Staten Island
M. Sheahan: large nautical items on the pier
M. Sheahan: the Brooklyn Transcore banner is ready
M. Sheahan: Melissa with friend
M. Sheahan: awesome t-shirt
M. Sheahan: Jean at the Underground stage
M. Sheahan: view of Manhattan
M. Sheahan: this inlaid compass points the way
M. Sheahan: you can clean your fish here
M. Sheahan: Staten Island Ferry headed to Manhattan
M. Sheahan: man fishing on the Punk Island pier
M. Sheahan: only 851 miles to St. Augustine, Florida
M. Sheahan: landward view from the pier
M. Sheahan: Erin and Phill
M. Sheahan: abandoned building built in 1868
M. Sheahan: old location of ferry museum