M. Sheahan: Uncle Guido's
M. Sheahan: a nice haul of fireworks
M. Sheahan: they even had pony rides
M. Sheahan: Grace rides a pony
M. Sheahan: children love ponies
M. Sheahan: the scene at the party
M. Sheahan: Emily at the party
M. Sheahan: Steve and Laura Ann
M. Sheahan: Josh and Bill
M. Sheahan: Mike and Packi
M. Sheahan: Josh with an adoring fan
M. Sheahan: the reincarnated Bertrand Russel
M. Sheahan: Lisa and Katrina
M. Sheahan: Jared, Shantel and Hudson
M. Sheahan: Josh terrorizes the bounce castle
M. Sheahan: Josh tells the kids that the bounce castle is for the band and their groupies
M. Sheahan: view of the party from the bounce castle
M. Sheahan: Lilly
M. Sheahan: Emily did a great job with the Pogo the Clown makeup
M. Sheahan: Premature Strangulation rock
M. Sheahan: Premature Strangulation summer fest 2012
M. Sheahan: flowers at the Quilliam's place
M. Sheahan: Premature Strangulation, a musical ejaculation
M. Sheahan: another flower
M. Sheahan: Josh, aka One-Nine of Premature Strangulation
M. Sheahan: Josh shreds a Zeppelin cover
M. Sheahan: people enjoying the show
M. Sheahan: security tries to calm down the crowd
M. Sheahan: Mike on drums with Premature Strangulation
M. Sheahan: Matt on bass for Premature Strangulation