M. Sheahan: Blackout Shoppers and members of SpEd do van tetrus with Mike Moosehead's expert direction
M. Sheahan: The Beast watches Moosehead's excellent work, but had his own equipment arrangement later
M. Sheahan: Xtene and Lisette
M. Sheahan: Justin and Trish
M. Sheahan: Howie presides over a punk rock BBQ
M. Sheahan: Lisette helps tend the grill
M. Sheahan: Krutch and Rob host Kenny
M. Sheahan: The Beast cooly surveys the scene
M. Sheahan: punks enjoy the BBQ
M. Sheahan: Stressbomb survey the latest damage to their van
M. Sheahan: Fin's Pub, the scene of the show
M. Sheahan: Seth describes the wildlife of Australia to Chris Callous
M. Sheahan: Rob and Lisette
M. Sheahan: Jizzcannons rock
M. Sheahan: Jizzcannons at Fin's pub
M. Sheahan: Jizcannons confer
M. Sheahan: Kenny and Krutch
M. Sheahan: SpEd fans wait for the show
M. Sheahan: Rob and Matt get ready
M. Sheahan: filling in on bass for SpEd
M. Sheahan: Rob Suburbs rocks
M. Sheahan: SpEd rules, despite having the poor judgement to have me fill in on bass
M. Sheahan: Pat SpEd rocks Fin's
M. Sheahan: Chris Callous on drums
M. Sheahan: SpEd at Fin's
M. Sheahan: Rob sings
M. Sheahan: Lunch Box Love Note
M. Sheahan: Pat and Jeff
M. Sheahan: Chris, Lisette, Kenny and Seth enjoy the party van
M. Sheahan: Stressbomb rocks