M. Sheahan: The Beast and Mrs. Beast bask in The Beast's aura
M. Sheahan: Rich and Heather discuss the state of things
M. Sheahan: Danny, Xtene, Jenny and Mike
M. Sheahan: Seth and friends enjoy some cold beverages
M. Sheahan: Danny grooves to some funk music being pumped by the DJs
M. Sheahan: Trauma Team666
M. Sheahan: Jenny Devildoll
M. Sheahan: The Blame starts the show
M. Sheahan: Phil had his van towed right before the show; he didn't let that stop him
M. Sheahan: Danny sings along
M. Sheahan: Troy, new bass player for The Blame
M. Sheahan: The Blame are dominators, leaders of the pack
M. Sheahan: Phil rocks
M. Sheahan: Matt E. Stumbler
M. Sheahan: Jenny, DJ Xerox, Perpetual PMS
M. Sheahan: Amy from Trauma Team lets' the blood flow
M. Sheahan: Paul Mastiff
M. Sheahan: Trauma Team rule
M. Sheahan: Paul, Mary and Danny while Amy is out in the crowd
M. Sheahan: Chastitty Chase
M. Sheahan: Danny rocks the bass
M. Sheahan: Trauma Team666 encourages sex and drinking
M. Sheahan: Gatlin Guns
M. Sheahan: side view of Trauma Team666
M. Sheahan: Richie enjoys TT666 as it goes great with beer
M. Sheahan: Toxic Shock Syndrome - four hours until her pussy explodes
M. Sheahan: listen up
M. Sheahan: Blackout Shoppers admire and respect Hafize
M. Sheahan: Shoppers get it going
M. Sheahan: Mike Moosehead at Bowery Electric