Dorothee Luke: Transformation1-VolcanicAsh
Dorothee Luke: Transformation3: Fresco, San Lorenzo Church.Milan-Italy
Dorothee Luke: Transformation2: Penguins- Adelie Coast- Antartica
Dorothee Luke: Transformation4-Terracotta
Dorothee Luke: Transformtation5-English countryside-Devon
Dorothee Luke: Dorothee- In the clouds
Dorothee Luke: Black Mountains. Wales-Dorothee
Dorothee Luke: Abstract 1 Dorothee
Dorothee Luke: Abstract2 Dorothee
Dorothee Luke: Abstract3 Dorothee
Dorothee Luke: Abstract4Dorothee
Dorothee Luke: Abstract5-Dorothee
Dorothee Luke: Abstract6-Dorothee
Dorothee Luke: Abstract7-Dorothee
Dorothee Luke: Voyage into the unknown...