twrightii: Westin Hotel
twrightii: 360 Pano of the 40k Hall the day before Adepticon
twrightii: 3k Ogres before Big Brawl
twrightii: Out the hotel window
twrightii: Game 1, Turn 2 vs WoC
twrightii: Game 1, Turn 2 vs WoC
twrightii: Game 1, Turn 3 vs WoC
twrightii: Game 1, Turn 3 vs WoC
twrightii: Game 1, Turn 4 vs WoC
twrightii: Game 1, Turn 4 vs WoC
twrightii: Slaanesh WoC
twrightii: Toy Dinos?
twrightii: Nurgle!
twrightii: Great Unclean One
twrightii: Daemons
twrightii: Skaven
twrightii: Dogs of War
twrightii: Goblins
twrightii: Goblins
twrightii: Ryan G.'s Ogres
twrightii: Gobnars
twrightii: Gobnars
twrightii: Tyrant and BSB
twrightii: Privateer Press Display (Skorne, Cygnar, Minions
twrightii: Trollbloods
twrightii: Matt C.'s Trolls vs Trolls
twrightii: Runeshaper