chillveers15: Terrace of the Elephants
chillveers15: Meditation Perpetual
chillveers15: Entrance into Phimeneakas
chillveers15: At the end of the Terrace of Elephants
chillveers15: Looking at the outer enclosure of Angkor Wat from across the moat
chillveers15: the bridge that leads to the outer enclosure
chillveers15: One of the side towers of the central enclosure
chillveers15: Statue at Angkor Wat
chillveers15: Statue at Angkor Wat
chillveers15: Angkor Wat's central area in the distance
chillveers15: Entry into the cental enclosure of Angkor Wat
chillveers15: Vanishing points
chillveers15: Aspara reliefs
chillveers15: Through the lattice work
chillveers15: Part of the Central Enclosure of Angkor Wat
chillveers15: Angkor Wat Gopura
chillveers15: Angkor Wat Gopura
chillveers15: A buddha shrine within the Upper Levels
chillveers15: I think they call this a Gopura?
chillveers15: One of the 4 courtyards at the Upper Levels
chillveers15: Pillars at Angkor Wat
chillveers15: Monks on the second level
chillveers15: Monks looking down from "Heaven"
chillveers15: Climbing down from Heaven
chillveers15: Golden glows over Angkor Wat
chillveers15: Sofia and her minder
chillveers15: Reflections of Angor Wat
chillveers15: Reflections of Angkor Wat
chillveers15: Sunset over Angkor Wat
chillveers15: Sunset over Angkor Wat