ted craig: A is for advancements.
ted craig: B is for bashful moments.
ted craig: C is for collaboration.
ted craig: E is for emotion.
ted craig: F is for follow the leader.
ted craig: G is for growth.
ted craig: I is for illuminating.
ted craig: J is for jubilant instants.
ted craig: K is for knowledge station.
ted craig: L is for light.
ted craig: m is for my favorite colors.
ted craig: N is for nebula spectating.
ted craig: O is for opposite observing.
ted craig: P is for putting up ponytails.
ted craig: Q is for quiet.
ted craig: R is for reflective recognition.
ted craig: S is for seamless sunlight.
ted craig: T is for talent.
ted craig: U is for utmost moments.
ted craig: V is for veracious victory!
ted craig: W is for waiting in the white.
ted craig: X is for xyloid.
ted craig: Y is for you and your equipment.
ted craig: Z is for zitella.