dynet: My name is Jeremy Cedric
dynet: Angel's Smile
dynet: I don't have the biggest hands yet.
dynet: A good sleeper
dynet: Sleep well Jeremy
dynet: Don't wake up Jeremy with diaper problems!
dynet: It's my poo poo and I'll cry if I want to
dynet: Think about it
dynet: Here comes the "hand"
dynet: Me and my mommy
dynet: Bad hair day
dynet: Hi
dynet: Sometimes my dreams are cool
dynet: Asleep is what my life is mostly made up of
dynet: Don't bother me, I'm not in the mood
dynet: I'm learning to sleep facing left
dynet: I still like sleeping with my head tilted left
dynet: One for the family
dynet: I wonder when I get out of this Krankenhaus (hospital)
dynet: Somewhere, out there is my Aunt EdNa
dynet: I wonder if I should wake mom for some milk?!?
dynet: Thinking about my last day at the hospital
dynet: Touch my tongue to my nose?
dynet: I'm running out of things to say
dynet: Another fine hair day
dynet: With this look I'll get all the girls
dynet: Test with Photoshop CS
dynet: I'll be remembered as the "young thinker"
dynet: I fell asleep on my papa's lap
dynet: Papa and son