antimozer: Trees and moon Thndr hole
antimozer: Toni's favorite tree
antimozer: under the bridge at low tide
antimozer: Island light house
antimozer: low tide
antimozer: Toni otter cove low tide
antimozer: Otter cove
antimozer: low tide otter cove
antimozer: Toni Otter Cove
antimozer: The selfie tree
antimozer: low tide at Thunder hole
antimozer: peak season Acadia
antimozer: Toni on the edge at Thunder hole
antimozer: Toni Acadia
antimozer: Seal Harbor
antimozer: bridge from overlook
antimozer: Toni at seal harbor overlook
antimozer: fishing shack
antimozer: restroom
antimozer: bubble mnt from jordan's pond
antimozer: Toni entrance
antimozer: 5 54am
antimozer: Toni 607am
antimozer: 626AM
antimozer: 638 clouds on water
antimozer: first peek of sun in USA
antimozer: sunrise on cadillac mnt
antimozer: bar island sand bar
antimozer: low tide walk across to bar island
antimozer: cairn to entrance of bar island