ThePigface: Holywell Bay.
ThePigface: M.O.D stuff at Penhale.
ThePigface: Army Clothes Dryers
ThePigface: House on Ligger Point
ThePigface: Exposed Mine shaft
ThePigface: Penhale Camp
ThePigface: IMG_5918
ThePigface: IMG_5924
ThePigface: IMG_5925
ThePigface: IMG_5937
ThePigface: Close to the Edge
ThePigface: Pause a While.
ThePigface: Decending to The Beach
ThePigface: Signpost and Dead Tree
ThePigface: Mr D Demonstrates Walking Into the Wind.
ThePigface: No Comment
ThePigface: Perran Sands
ThePigface: Son of the Beach
ThePigface: IMG_6005
ThePigface: Droskyn Sundial
ThePigface: The Droskyn Sundial
ThePigface: The Beach at Perranporh
ThePigface: Good Walking Country
ThePigface: IMG_6116
ThePigface: Cligga Head
ThePigface: Cligga Head
ThePigface: IMG_6134
ThePigface: IMG_6136
ThePigface: Old RAF dispersal points ?
ThePigface: IMG_6162