Neela B: Rupa & the April Fishes performed at the Blind School in Gandhinagar. Music education has a profound impact on the creative expression and communication of blind children. At the school in Gandhinagar for children who are both blind and come from impoveri
Neela B: The Blind School in Gandhinagar is supported by the Government of Gujarat, and provides exceptional education for 100 children. Music is a daily part of the curriculum for each child. Singing (both classical and folk), percussion and instrumental instruct
Neela B: The music classroom is a special place, wide open and stocked with a wide range of instruments.
Neela B: Music Class
Neela B: The students respond with smiles to the sounds of Rupa and the April Fishes.
Neela B: The trumpet was a big hit with the children. Played beautifully by Mario, the metallic trumpet sounds caused the entire group of children to start clapping. Tejas the music teacher, seated to the right, was happy to have us in the class for the afternoon.
Neela B: Students at the Blind School listen to Rupa and the April Fishes.
Neela B: Better Vision, Better World.
Neela B: Aaron, who naturally gravitates towards children, was especially happy to walk around the room and share the sounds of indian chimes and bells with the children.
Neela B: Aaron gets down close to the open ears of the children as the Band carries on.
Neela B: Rupa followed suit, bringing the sound of her sweet voice and the sounds of the guitar down to the children. As she walked around the room, many of the children wanted to put their hands on the instrument, to feel its vibrations.
Neela B: Misha drops a bass line on the cello for the children to hear.
Neela B: Mohit on harmonium gave a commanding solo, with tabla accompaniment by Trilok.
Neela B: Mohit has been blind since birth. He is an incredibly talented musician, able to play flute, harmonium and since with ease.
Neela B: Students at the Blind School listen in on a congo solo by Mario.
Neela B: Tejas Parmar, the music teacher at the Blind School, has been teaching at the school for over 5 years, 2 hours each day. His dedication to the children over the years has resulted in a strong music program, and performances that have earned the children a
Neela B: A staff member at the Blind School was enthralled by the trumpet and wanted to feel its vibration as Mario performed.
Neela B: Rupa & the April Fishes at the Blind School in Gandhinagar.