brian.m.rule241: NYNH&H railroad signal station U-423 Brockton Mass ( yard ).
brian.m.rule241: Framingham Center , Interlocking O-364 N.Y.N.H.&H.R.R.
brian.m.rule241: Framingham center. O-364, The interlocking Tower at rte 9 1977, well they call it a tower. in England they would call it a signal box, its a box alright.
brian.m.rule241: Lowell Ma. Hale Street Interlocking.
brian.m.rule241: Lowell Ma. Hale Street Interlocking.
brian.m.rule241: Cotley Junction O-347
brian.m.rule241: Medfield Junction O-361
brian.m.rule241: Attleboro interlocking tower SS-165 . Sad news this tower is going the same way as the Gates house in Framingham.
brian.m.rule241: The first signal tower about 1880 WV, 15/150, Bill Dawson.
brian.m.rule241: Whittenton JCT. O-351.. c.1969 . West Britannia Street.
brian.m.rule241: Waltham Ma. interlocking tower.
brian.m.rule241: Waltham Ma. railroad interlocking tower.
brian.m.rule241: Worcester tower. 1977 TOM
brian.m.rule241: Worcester Ma, signal tower.
brian.m.rule241: Boston and Maine Railroad towerman. unknown location and date .
brian.m.rule241: SS 165 Attleboro tower.
brian.m.rule241: SS 165 Attleboro tower.
brian.m.rule241: New Haven Railroad signal tower.
brian.m.rule241: Beacon Park tower, i worked out of here for five years ..this was a home away from home.
brian.m.rule241: Beacon Park tower, i worked out of here for five years this yard was a home away from home.
brian.m.rule241: Beacon Park tower, i worked out of here for five years and this yard this was a home away from home.
brian.m.rule241: Beacon Park tower, i worked out of here for five years and this yard this was a home away from home.
brian.m.rule241: Beacon Park tower, i worked out of here for five years and this yard this was a home away from home.
brian.m.rule241: Beacon Park tower, i worked out of here for five years and this yard this was a home away from home.
brian.m.rule241: Beacon Park tower.
brian.m.rule241: Waltham Ma. tower.
brian.m.rule241: NYNH&HRR Interlocking Tower .
brian.m.rule241: 1977 Worcester tower.
brian.m.rule241: Boston and Albany Railroad Tower 21 Framingham Ma.
brian.m.rule241: Ashland Ma. Boston and Albany Tower 23.