brian.m.rule241: Faulty traffic light LED unit.
brian.m.rule241: Faulty traffic light LED unit.
brian.m.rule241: Faulty traffic light LED unit.
brian.m.rule241: Faulty traffic light LED unit. Quality Job 1.
brian.m.rule241: Faulty traffic light LED unit. Suffering quality just to modernise, Lets march along to new technologies .
brian.m.rule241: Faulty traffic light LED unit. Traffic light , LED Fad... Technological advancement is fine when its reliable.
brian.m.rule241: Faulty LED Assemblies in traffic lights
brian.m.rule241: Faulty LED Assemblies in traffic lights
brian.m.rule241: Faulty LED traffic light
brian.m.rule241: Faulty LED Assemblies
brian.m.rule241: Faulty LED Assemblies
brian.m.rule241: IMG_6347
brian.m.rule241: Medway Ma. this greats you coming out of Bellingham. i thought this was funny and its been here for +13 years .
brian.m.rule241: Faulty LED Assemblies in traffic lights. Big push for LED technologies to kill incandecent Mfg in our country .
brian.m.rule241: Faulty traffic light LED unit. One more hours apart and in my town. the greens were faulty too but not to the extent as this winner.
brian.m.rule241: Faulty traffic light LED unit. Another high quality LED traffic light assembly.
brian.m.rule241: Taunton Ma. faulty traffic signal module .