brian.m.rule241: GRS. General Railway Signal Company, compensator. Still might need a last coat of paint. but all this needs now is a pipe line.The paint is a original formulation of Dixsons flake graphite and boiled lindseed oil base.
brian.m.rule241: GRS finished crank.
brian.m.rule241: pipe carriers for railroad mechanical interlocking.
brian.m.rule241: Mechanical interlocking pipe bolt lock . Brand new device.
brian.m.rule241: pipe jaw , DAMN too rotted to save. i may try to see what could be done but it is crispy.
brian.m.rule241: pipe connector, which seams to hold up together better than the pipe.
brian.m.rule241: pipe carrier, and pipes
brian.m.rule241: Union switch and Signal Special pipe carrier. used for short runs, or under the track. or GRS
brian.m.rule241: a cut rail piece, spring clip and two bracket's
brian.m.rule241: both iron parts are in good condition and certainly marked with US&S Co . its a pipe carrier mount
brian.m.rule241: stiles dwarf pipe is 2 7/8 inches. but could it be US&S pipe for a High dwarf ? its where the high dwarf would be.
brian.m.rule241: pipe carrier stands
brian.m.rule241: looks alittle macarbre. like a spine.
brian.m.rule241: DSC00166_edited-1
brian.m.rule241: pipe carrier, well found six pipe carriers today i can restore two complete ones out of it the rest either spare parts two frames are bent and broke.
brian.m.rule241: pipe carrier.
brian.m.rule241: Two Rocker shaft parts (offset arms), the buried one is a little rotted
brian.m.rule241: pipe carrier mount
brian.m.rule241: Marked, G R S CO. 28256-1X each one is marked the same.
brian.m.rule241: GRS pipe carrier
brian.m.rule241: General Railway Signal Company pipe carrier
brian.m.rule241: self explanitory.
brian.m.rule241: General Railway Signal Company
brian.m.rule241: After sand blasting it still looks good that this is made in two parts, i will drill out and press fit new pins.
brian.m.rule241: GRS Mechanical pipe line Top roller and pin, held in place with a cotter pin per upright.
brian.m.rule241: Most of the up right parts are ok, three are bent and had breaks.
brian.m.rule241: the other two roller pins are almost none existant. if its not hardened steel it will be ground down, drilled and new a pin pressed in. (( i think this is cast as one part even after sand blasting ))
brian.m.rule241: Dixon's flake graphite, i hope this works because it is a filthy product . if it dry's without cropping off. like eightball made with soot it might tend to it.