simtso1: Close-up 1
simtso1: Close-up 2
simtso1: Common Redpoll
simtso1: American gold finch
simtso1: American gold finch.
simtso1: The standoff.
simtso1: Harmony.
simtso1: Northern Cardinal.
simtso1: Female Downy woodpecker( Picoides pubescens )
simtso1: Female Downy woodpecker ( Picoides pubescens )
simtso1: Female Downy woodpecker ( Picoides pubescens )
simtso1: Female Northern Cardinal.
simtso1: Black capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus)
simtso1: The hunter.
simtso1: Blue heron
simtso1: Blue heron
simtso1: Cooling off.
simtso1: You quack me up.
simtso1: Did you guy's lose something?
simtso1: Blue heron.
simtso1: Yummy.
simtso1: Was having a fun time photographing these little guys.
simtso1: Cuban emerald hummingbird.
simtso1: Cuban juvenile hawk.
simtso1: Feed me.
simtso1: Canada Geese coming home.
simtso1: Turtles sunbathing.
simtso1: Ok guys line up single file.
simtso1: Don't take of with your tounge sticking out.
simtso1: Walking on water.