marie {thej5family}: come on . . . give me a kiss
marie {thej5family}: these are the moments i want to remember
marie {thej5family}: doggy love.
marie {thej5family}: peyton and badger
marie {thej5family}: 0823peytonandhunter
marie {thej5family}: there is something magical about boys and dogs
marie {thej5family}: someone got a new swim suit.
marie {thej5family}: Until one has loved and been loved by a dog, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.
marie {thej5family}: just a boy & his dog.
marie {thej5family}: everyone jump
marie {thej5family}: a quiet moment between friends.
marie {thej5family}: 5 months later . . .
marie {thej5family}: 0307peytonhunter
marie {thej5family}: 0302peytonhunter
marie {thej5family}: smothered in black and white...
marie {thej5family}: smothered with love.
marie {thej5family}: he is home.
marie {thej5family}: peyton020408
marie {thej5family}: puppy kisses.
marie {thej5family}: puppy love.
marie {thej5family}: loving badger
marie {thej5family}: Sharing Secrets. Peyton 010708 Day 114/365
marie {thej5family}: Come on Big Brother . . . Share ~ Peyton 01/01 Day 108/365
marie {thej5family}: Junst Hangin Out~ 01/02 Peyton Day 109/365
marie {thej5family}: Little Girl, Little Puppy, LOTS of Love - Day 106/365