marie {thej5family}: 092507Day10
marie {thej5family}: 092607Day11
marie {thej5family}: 092807day13
marie {thej5family}: senior shoot
marie {thej5family}: My oldest . .
marie {thej5family}: Kyle and New Puppy
marie {thej5family}: Where has time gone?
marie {thej5family}: Thoughts and Emotions at 18
marie {thej5family}: happy anniversary
marie {thej5family}: me and me kids
marie {thej5family}: Dancing with Kyle
marie {thej5family}: caps.and.gowns
marie {thej5family}: big brother graduates
marie {thej5family}: my graduate
marie {thej5family}: big brother and me
marie {thej5family}: We know what we are but not what we may be.
marie {thej5family}: the little blue box
marie {thej5family}: my boy & his dog
marie {thej5family}: 19 years . . . went by just like that.
marie {thej5family}: me and kyle
marie {thej5family}: young love.
marie {thej5family}: having the time of their lives . . .
marie {thej5family}: check out those shoes!