Powell Wye: Q636 at Linworth
Powell Wye: Claremont
Powell Wye: DE's at Parsons
Powell Wye: Taking a spin
Powell Wye: They didn't look bad clean
Powell Wye: Wrong Main
Powell Wye: Dancing in the shadows
Powell Wye: DE's and Fruehaufs
Powell Wye: Boxcar RDSLUG
Powell Wye: Parsons
Powell Wye: Foreign Power on Q636
Powell Wye: Headed up Loup Creek
Powell Wye: The C&O as it should be...
Powell Wye: INT on 233
Powell Wye: 272 at Spring Lane
Powell Wye: Q635 at Fite
Powell Wye: Picktown
Powell Wye: G803-05
Powell Wye: Hotshot on the C&O
Powell Wye: Southbound ECL
Powell Wye: Thurmond
Powell Wye: Blowing smoke
Powell Wye: Heritage leader on 218
Powell Wye: Fall morning...
Powell Wye: Westbound Cardinal
Powell Wye: NS 1072 South
Powell Wye: Last man standing
Powell Wye: County Line
Powell Wye: CNJ Heritage