Symoto: Sunrise over Yellow waters Kakadu
Symoto: Maroochydore sunset
Symoto: Ubirr Sunset
Symoto: Mindel Beach Sunset
Symoto: Ubirr Sunset
Symoto: Florence Falls Litchfield N.P.
Symoto: Billabong Yellow Waters
Symoto: Florence Falls Litchfield N.P.
Symoto: Port Vila Vanuatu
Symoto: 2nd Gorge, Katherine Gorge
Symoto: Wangi Falls Litchfield N.P.
Symoto: Nitmiluk Katherine Gorge
Symoto: Mindel beach Sunset
Symoto: Ubirr
Symoto: Fireworks
Symoto: Fireworks
Symoto: Fireworks
Symoto: Chev & 5th Wheeler, Devil's Marbles
Symoto: Devil's Marbles N.T.
Symoto: Devil's Marbles N.T.
Symoto: Starlight Star Bright
Symoto: Moontree
Symoto: Sunrise over Devil's Marbles N.T.
Symoto: Handrail Walk, Karijini National Park
Symoto: Devil's Marbles N.T.
Symoto: Road to Oenpelli
Symoto: Road to Oenpelli
Symoto: Devil's Marbles
Symoto: Lookout at Glen Helen Gorge 180 degree Panorama
Symoto: Sunrise at Devil's Marbles