BredaF10: Cinnabar Moth Caterpillar feasts on Ragwort
BredaF10: Puss Moth
BredaF10: Summertime Green-veined White (Pieris napi)
BredaF10: Small Tortoiseshell
BredaF10: Small tortoiseshell feeds on Purple-loosestrife
BredaF10: Two for the price of one:-)
BredaF10: Tortoisehell on an Oil Drum
BredaF10: Return of the Butterflies
BredaF10: Female Orange Tip shelters from the rain
BredaF10: The Male gets the Orange Tips:-)
BredaF10: No Orange Tips for Females:-(
BredaF10: When is a peacock not a peacock:-)
BredaF10: Upstairs Downstairs
BredaF10: Painted Lady
BredaF10: Beautiful and not so common
BredaF10: Common Blue Butterfly
BredaF10: Common Blue Butterfly on Loosestrife
BredaF10: Speckled Wood
BredaF10: Canary Yellow Butterfly
BredaF10: Mysterious Yellow Visitor
BredaF10: Another View
BredaF10: Plain Wave - Moth 2/2000 :-)
BredaF10: In Disguise (Plain Wave)
BredaF10: Still not convinced that this is a Pepper Moth!
BredaF10: Mystery Moth - is it a Pepper Moth?
BredaF10: Moth with Spots (White Ermine)
BredaF10: Moth plays dead. White Ermine.
BredaF10: Reflections from the bottom of a glass - Common Wave
BredaF10: The Drinker
BredaF10: Drinker