jmaxtours: Cherry Blossoms (and friend) - High Park, Toronto
jmaxtours: Gang Sign
jmaxtours: Rosehill Reservoir
jmaxtours: Grey Squirrel
jmaxtours: Black Squirrel
jmaxtours: Whatchoo lookin' at?
jmaxtours: Nut?
jmaxtours: Black Squirrel
jmaxtours: Big Load
jmaxtours: Busy Guy
jmaxtours: Everyone's enjoying the warm winter day
jmaxtours: Squirrel
jmaxtours: Breakfast
jmaxtours: Poser
jmaxtours: Keep on, holding on.
jmaxtours: Black Squirrel
jmaxtours: Morning Ablutions
jmaxtours: Peeking through the window
jmaxtours: Enjoying Lunch
jmaxtours: Red Squirrel
jmaxtours: Trail Side Chippy
jmaxtours: Chipmunk that let me share my lunch with him
jmaxtours: Chipmunk
jmaxtours: Chip
jmaxtours: Chillin' like a villain...
jmaxtours: I think I'll call him "Red"
jmaxtours: Red Squirrel
jmaxtours: Did I hear someone say the word "peanut"?
jmaxtours: Peanut Lunch
jmaxtours: Campsite Visitor