FitchDnld: The Duck
FitchDnld: Killdeer and The Snapping Turtle
FitchDnld: Killdeer and The Snapping Turtle
FitchDnld: Not going to say it, You guess the Idiom.
FitchDnld: Wilson's Snipe
FitchDnld: Upland Sandpiper
FitchDnld: Spotted Sandpiper
FitchDnld: The Blue Heron
FitchDnld: Duck Family
FitchDnld: Green Heron
FitchDnld: Acadian Flycatcher
FitchDnld: Birds
FitchDnld: Northern Flicker
FitchDnld: Northern Flicker
FitchDnld: Northern Flicker
FitchDnld: Juvenile Hawk
FitchDnld: Juvenile Hawk
FitchDnld: Hawk