FitchDnld: African Elephant at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo - Cleveland, Ohio
FitchDnld: Steller's Sea Eagle at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo - Cleveland, Ohio
FitchDnld: Juvenile Steller's Sea Eagle at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo - Cleveland, Ohio
FitchDnld: Cheetah at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo - Cleveland, Ohio
FitchDnld: Sleeping Mandrill at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo - Cleveland, Ohio
FitchDnld: One More, Not The Last, Duck Picture
FitchDnld: Sun Bear at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo - Cleveland, Ohio
FitchDnld: The Twist
FitchDnld: Wrestling Grizzly Bear Cubs at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo - Cleveland, Ohio
FitchDnld: Grizzly Bear Cub at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo - Cleveland, Ohio
FitchDnld: Food for Naked Mole Rats at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo - Cleveland, Ohio