driftingwood10: Vuurjuffer Pyrrhosoma nymphula
driftingwood10: Fortunatly this musquito won´t bite me any more.....
driftingwood10: impress the lady with its beautiful colour
driftingwood10: It is almost gold....
driftingwood10: Spooky eyes....?
driftingwood10: Weidebeekjuffer calopteryx splendens
driftingwood10: vuurjuffer vrouwtje pyrrhosma nymphula
driftingwood10: White legged damselfly
driftingwood10: White legged Damselfly
driftingwood10: azuurwaterjuffers
driftingwood10: hearts for ever
driftingwood10: lestus barbarus
driftingwood10: Lantaarntje Ischnura elegans