barbaracombs: Mom and Dad smile
barbaracombs: Party at Mom's
barbaracombs: RBI, the party greeter
barbaracombs: Christmas Day Mom, Dan and Dad
barbaracombs: After Gingerbread group
barbaracombs: Finishing touches
barbaracombs: Post-gingerbreading
barbaracombs: Emma and Kelly by the tree
barbaracombs: Slumdog Keddy and Emma
barbaracombs: Pretty Pretty Gingerbread
barbaracombs: gonna burn it down down down
barbaracombs: Gingerbread Funhouse (by Pink)
barbaracombs: Kelly starts the slum
barbaracombs: Pile of cheer
barbaracombs: Keddy and gelato
barbaracombs: Jonathan and Keddy at Assaggio
barbaracombs: Me and Addy at Assaggio