kleine_nana: living
kleine_nana: breakfast in subway
kleine_nana: beings
kleine_nana: to make you more beautiful
kleine_nana: family
kleine_nana: on east&west
kleine_nana: closely and far away
kleine_nana: beautiful woman's drinks
kleine_nana: The Dolphin Sundial at Greenwich
kleine_nana: Tower Bridge
kleine_nana: London bridge
kleine_nana: on the boat
kleine_nana: dinner in ethiopian restaurant
kleine_nana: Tate modern.. it's huge
kleine_nana: coloured windows
kleine_nana: look right
kleine_nana: pedibus
kleine_nana: chocolate factory behind the double decker
kleine_nana: colors under the bridge
kleine_nana: street art
kleine_nana: subway
kleine_nana: Current 93