Itzhak Richter: A lady in Red reading cards - Red Heart
Itzhak Richter: Colors (Red & Yellow)
Itzhak Richter: ...some pepper
Itzhak Richter: A Lady in Red
Itzhak Richter: Double Red...Double Glasses..
Itzhak Richter: Sour Red
Itzhak Richter: Graffiti
Itzhak Richter: Graffiti
Itzhak Richter: Body language (The two ladies: Hello.. The lady behind: ahhh?)
Itzhak Richter: To be or not to be...that's the question..
Itzhak Richter: Partially Cloudy
Itzhak Richter: A colorfull Artist
Itzhak Richter: A vitrine
Itzhak Richter: Eggplant
Itzhak Richter: Eggplant
Itzhak Richter: A pattern of Onions
Itzhak Richter: Graffiti
Itzhak Richter: A Resturant in Tel-Aviv/Florentin
Itzhak Richter: A new day..has begunnn
Itzhak Richter: Body language (The two ladies: Glad to see you. The lady behind: ..I can't believe my eyes..!!)
Itzhak Richter: Final instructions
Itzhak Richter: Great shoes....
Itzhak Richter: Red flower TBD bush
Itzhak Richter: Purple flowers
Itzhak Richter: Street lamps at night
Itzhak Richter: Partially Claudy
Itzhak Richter: Silver-Vase or Urn Plant - Garden flower