Wayne Flower:
(Phone photo) Kentucky Fried Jam
Wayne Flower:
Wayne and Friend: Self Portrait, Boston, MA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Wayne n Cedric
Wayne Flower:
(Drawing) Man on Porch
Wayne Flower:
Wayne's New Friend (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
My Good Friends...
Wayne Flower:
ZZ Top, Yo
Wayne Flower:
Stacked Bikes, Band Rehearshal Space Hallway, Boston, MA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Bass Molesticator (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Brother and Sister (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
The Heart Sleeves
Wayne Flower:
Another member of the family, my 66 Ludwig drumkit (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Wayne in a Suit?
Wayne Flower:
Noise Pedal Adjustment, NYC
Wayne Flower:
Steve Fisk, Joe's Pub, NYC, 2005, (accompanying Heather Duby's band)
Wayne Flower:
Steve Fisk, Joe's Pub, NYC, 2005
Wayne Flower:
Tracking Room Doorway, The Den Studio, North Reading, MA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Inside Amplifier, The Den Studio, North Reading, MA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Inside Amplifier, The Den Studio, North Reading, MA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Inside Amplifier, The Den Studio, North Reading, MA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Inside Amplifier, The Den Studio, North Reading, MA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Equipment and Acoustic Tile, The Den Studio, North Reading, MA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Self Portrait From Inside Amplifier, The Den Studio, North Reading, MA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Guitars on wall at The Den studio in North Reading, MA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Guitars on wall at The Den studio in North Reading, MA
Wayne Flower:
My Astrological sign is DO NOT ENTER (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Electric Bhudda (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Power Apparatus Outside Recording Stuido, N. Reading, MA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Cool Microphone, The Den Studio, North Reading, MA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
View through window from outside The Den Studio, North Reading, MA (Phone photo)