Wayne Flower: Billboard Layers & the City
Wayne Flower: In My Room
Wayne Flower: Fry Man
Wayne Flower: FDNY, Engine Co. 10, New York City
Wayne Flower: Sausage Guy and short essay on food/sex advertising (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower: No Thanks, No Tanks, Cambridge, MA
Wayne Flower: Happy Art (with notes)
Wayne Flower: God's Breath
Wayne Flower: Window, Someday Cafe, Davis Sq., Somerville, MA (R.I.P)
Wayne Flower: Basement Window and Tub
Wayne Flower: Fire Demon
Wayne Flower: Safe Waste
Wayne Flower: Tree In Friend's Yard, Olympia, WA
Wayne Flower: Sidewalk, Wallingford/Seattle, WA, 2000
Wayne Flower: Cafe Wha? New York City
Wayne Flower: Window Display, Bergdorf Goodman, New York City
Wayne Flower: (Phone photo) Let me take you back...
Wayne Flower: Sunken Barn, The Land of Make-believe, Upper Jay, NY
Wayne Flower: Cape Cod Beach, Harwich, MA
Wayne Flower: Noose Throne 2
Wayne Flower: Sunrise Whidbey Island, Langley, WA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower: My Other Baby
Wayne Flower: Rock Church, New York City
Wayne Flower: Creepy Dolls
Wayne Flower: Doll in Second Hand Store, Hyannis, MA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower: It all began here, with cheap ass digital camera, a water jug and a birthday table cloth...
Wayne Flower: (Phone Photo) Top of Water Cooler
Wayne Flower: (Phone Photo) Sunset Over Neighbors House, Somerville, MA
Wayne Flower: Empire State Building Shadow, 2004
Wayne Flower: Horce and Noose, Wallingford, Seattle, WA, 1997 (Photo scan)