Wayne Flower:
Graffiti - Harvard Coop Bathroom
Wayne Flower:
Creative Worker's Signature on Freeway
Wayne Flower:
Abandoned Park Bldg., Boston, Massachusetts
Wayne Flower:
Abandoned Park Bldg.
Wayne Flower:
Cape Cod Taggin'
Wayne Flower:
No Thanks, No Tanks, Cambridge, MA
Wayne Flower:
Bathroom, Someday Cafe, Davis Sq., Somerville, MA (R.I.P)
Wayne Flower:
Graffiti, Somerville Pedestrian Underpass
Wayne Flower:
Shark Graffiti, Porter Square, Somerville, MA
Wayne Flower:
(Phone Photo) Sad Mailbox
Wayne Flower:
Trailer and Graffitti, Fremont Neighborhood, Seattle, WA (Photo scan)
Wayne Flower:
Small Backho, Brooklyn
Wayne Flower:
Wiliamsburg Bridge Sign
Wayne Flower:
Marked Manhole, Somervile, MA
Wayne Flower:
Jesus Van
Wayne Flower:
Self Portrait - Where's WayneO?
Wayne Flower:
(Phone Photo) 'Emma We Love you..', Graffiti, Bathroom, Algier's Cafe', Cambridge, MA
Wayne Flower:
Graffiti Sticker, Somerville, MA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Graffiti, Cambridge, MA, Harvard Square (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
V For Vendetta Graffit, Cambridge, MA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Graffiti, Cambridge, MA (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Graffiti, Dublin, Ireland
Wayne Flower:
Return of the Elmer Fudd Sticker (Phone Photo)
Wayne Flower:
Artifacts of Youth (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Sad Window (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
D A N G E R (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Olympia, WA, graffiti: Flyin High in '07 (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Graffiti on Laundry Window, Seattle, WA
Wayne Flower:
Defaced Paper Graffiti, Burlington, VT (Phone photo)
Wayne Flower:
Defaced Paper Graffiti, Burlington, VT (Phone photo)