rfhsphoto: photo
rfhsphoto: Selective Focus
rfhsphoto: selective focus
rfhsphoto: horizon
rfhsphoto: lighting-silhouette
rfhsphoto: fill the frame
rfhsphoto: horizon
rfhsphoto: image
rfhsphoto: leading lines
rfhsphoto: grouping
rfhsphoto: rule of thirds
rfhsphoto: IMG_3272
rfhsphoto: IMG_3280
rfhsphoto: IMG_3287
rfhsphoto: IMG_3285
rfhsphoto: IMG_3289
rfhsphoto: IMG_3288
rfhsphoto: IMG_3284
rfhsphoto: IMG_3277
rfhsphoto: Back to school
rfhsphoto: Back to school
rfhsphoto: Back to school
rfhsphoto: Twin Reflection: Corey
rfhsphoto: Aperture Shot F32
rfhsphoto: Aperture Shot F13
rfhsphoto: Aperture shot
rfhsphoto: Super hero
rfhsphoto: Blue and gold
rfhsphoto: Greek
rfhsphoto: spirit