rfhsphoto: Taylor Adams
rfhsphoto: masterpiece- Taylor Adams
rfhsphoto: Taylor Adams
rfhsphoto: Leading Lines
rfhsphoto: Lighting
rfhsphoto: Rule of 3rd's
rfhsphoto: Grouping
rfhsphoto: Focus
rfhsphoto: Framing
rfhsphoto: Balance
rfhsphoto: Horizon
rfhsphoto: Big Aperature
rfhsphoto: Medium Aperature
rfhsphoto: Small Aperature
rfhsphoto: Frozen Action
rfhsphoto: Blurred Action
rfhsphoto: Back to School Deep D.O.P
rfhsphoto: Back to School (up late studying) Shallow D.O.F
rfhsphoto: Thousand Island (salad dressing day)
rfhsphoto: redneck day
rfhsphoto: Beach Day
rfhsphoto: Blue and gold day
rfhsphoto: Fall Colors
rfhsphoto: Fall Colors
rfhsphoto: Fall Colors
rfhsphoto: Spot Coloring
rfhsphoto: ghost
rfhsphoto: Demon face
rfhsphoto: Halloween Picture
rfhsphoto: Self Portrait