rfhsphoto: Photography and homecoming 030
rfhsphoto: Photography and homecoming 001
rfhsphoto: Photography and homecoming 002
rfhsphoto: Informal
rfhsphoto: Formal
rfhsphoto: horizon line 2
rfhsphoto: Selective focus 2
rfhsphoto: leading lines
rfhsphoto: leading line 2
rfhsphoto: horizon line
rfhsphoto: Grouping 2
rfhsphoto: Selective Focus
rfhsphoto: Grouping
rfhsphoto: behind lighting
rfhsphoto: framework
rfhsphoto: Brandi's!
rfhsphoto: Rule of thirds 1
rfhsphoto: Framing 1
rfhsphoto: Rule of thirds 2
rfhsphoto: Different lighting 2
rfhsphoto: Different lighting 1
rfhsphoto: Soft lighting
rfhsphoto: By Brandi
rfhsphoto: By Brandi
rfhsphoto: By Brandi
rfhsphoto: By Brandi
rfhsphoto: By: Brandi
rfhsphoto: By Brandi
rfhsphoto: By Brandi
rfhsphoto: By Brandi