Fragile Falls
choppyRocks…packing and moving!:
How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days. ~John Burroughs
choppyRocks…packing and moving!:
October is nature's funeral month. Nature glories in death more than in life." ~ Henry Ward Beecher
choppyRocks…packing and moving!:
May all your weeds be wildflowers…...
choppyRocks…packing and moving!:
An afternoon with Miss Daisy
choppyRocks…packing and moving!:
a lover's breath...
choppyRocks…packing and moving!:
"the story of my life is all about back doors, side entrances....." ~ greta garbo
choppyRocks…packing and moving!:
UK | where fairies lurk....
choppyRocks…packing and moving!:
Raining in my heart
The Flannel Photographer:
Haystack Rock - Cannon Beach
choppyRocks…packing and moving!:
Stars of Bethlehem...again!
Bhavna Sayana:
In summer,the song sings itself ♫
choppyRocks…packing and moving!:
Golden light
choppyRocks…packing and moving!:
Box of memories
choppyRocks…packing and moving!:
sweet child of mine...sigh!
choppyRocks…packing and moving!:
I dream of painting, and then I paint my dream ~ Vincent Van Gogh
McKenna Princing:
Heather Dreams
McKenna Princing:
Week 8/52
★♡ Deena Walshe ♥☆:
Rear View