paulineandjohng2008: Rock Samphire, Liamone Beach
paulineandjohng2008: Corsican Fire Salamander
paulineandjohng2008: Leaves of Helleborus Argutifolius
paulineandjohng2008: First day walk, Foret d'Aitone
paulineandjohng2008: Cafe at end of Gorges de la Restonica
paulineandjohng2008: Swallowtail Butterfly on Stink Aster, dunes south of Bastia
paulineandjohng2008: Sheep, end of Gorge de la Restonica
paulineandjohng2008: Verghello Valley (up from Eiffel Bridge)
paulineandjohng2008: Corsican Fire Salamander
paulineandjohng2008: Autumn Squill
paulineandjohng2008: Tribulus terrestris, Liamone
paulineandjohng2008: Sea Daffodils
paulineandjohng2008: Wild Carrot seedheads
paulineandjohng2008: Lac de Melo
paulineandjohng2008: Verghello Valley (up from Eiffel Bridge)
paulineandjohng2008: Steve and John descending towards Lac De Melo